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Recruiting & Staffing Agencies

Our best-in-class 

ATS and staffing automation tools

 helps you tap into the power of AI-sourcing and automated candidate engagement to reduce the time and cost to hire, while supercharging your recruiting workflow.
Recruiting Automation Features You Need

Manage your entire lifecycle from one recruiting platform

Master Pipeline
One pipeline to rule them all. View all candidates across every stage and every job on one single page
Task Management
Manage your day how you want, and choose your view: Calendar, List or Kanban view.
Smart Grid
Loxo's state-of-the-art search tools allow you to find contacts and candidates that are already sourced.
GDPR and Privacy Shield Certified
Industry leading privacy standards including European Union's General Data Protection Regulation.
Built-in Calling
Click once to dial your contacts and candidates or add them to your Call Queue to streamline your flow.
Client Portal
Invite your hiring manager or client to your job view and collaborate with them in real-time.
Email & Calendar Sync
Integrate your email and calendar with our industry-first two-way sync tool. This eliminates data entry for you.
Chrome Extension
Quickly add candidates to Loxo from LinkedIn, Indeed, Angelist and GitHub with the click of a button.
Built-in SMS Texting
Put your SMS Texting on auto-pilot by adding candidates to a SMS Campaign or bulk group.
Our Customers

125,000+ recruiters across the globe love using Loxo

We asked a handful of our customers how Loxo’s AI-powered recruiting technology has super-charged their workflow.
"I invest hundreds of hours each year researching the latest in recruiting technologies and have demoed thousands of tools. I selected Loxo for my own organization out of more than 1,100 applicant tracking systems in the marketplace. Loxo is light years ahead of their competition and it's not even close."
Tim Sackett
Top 10 Global HR Influencer
President HRU Technical Resources
President Association of Talent Acquisition Professionals
"I have been in the product for 90 days and I'm just blown away. ATS/CRM is super nice to source through. Loxo Source is incredible for advanced Booleans and the database is rad around 500m+ people. The AI sourcing and matching plus Loxo Source is insane cool. Campaign feature is amazing. This product is crushing it."
Will Spengler
Owner at Frederick Fox
"They have the most incredible customer service and engineering teams I've ever encountered. This isn't your average software company - this is a highly flexible group of innovators that actually evolve their product and features as the Recruiting industry changes."
Anthony Maggio
Three Pillars Recruiting
“My advice is: Jump on board now, before your competitors or it’s too late to get on. You’ll be kicking yourself if you don’t.”
David Stephen Patterson
President of the Kineta Group
Founder of the #HERC
"I ran 72 candidates from my search through your email finding yesterday and was blown away by how many personal emails Loxo found-- it pulled 68 personal emails in just a few minutes. Saved me so much time. So excited to be using this as my go to for email finding moving forward."
Julia Adler
Sr. Sourcer and Marketing Lead
Numbers to Prove it

Recruiting automation and AI recruitment software gives you an unfair advantage


Reduction in Costs

A decrease in cost across the entire talent lifecycle including cost to source and hire.


Time to Hire

Sourcing and workflow automation has drastically increased speed and reduced time to hire the perfect match.


Customer Satisfaction

We regularly ask our customers to rate how well we're doing. Short answer is they love us.

Become a hiring machine today

Talent Intelligence Platform
Application Tracking System
Recruiting CRM
For Industries
Life Sciences